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Neoliberalism vs. Libertarianism: Closer Than We Think?

July 29, 2022 at 2 PM EST | Students For Liberty & Learn Liberty social media channels

At face value, Libertarianism and Neoliberalism sound radically different, but a closer look might suggest that the two ideologies and their adherents have more in common than we think.

Of course, pro-liberty folks can bicker about definitions with the best of 'em, but this discussion runs deeper — and is more important — than mere nitpicking. Because if Libertarians and Neoliberals can find common ground, it could shape the future of politics, and of liberty in general, in America and throughout the world.

But that common ground is not so easy to find — if it exists at all. Let's see if former Libertarian Vice Presidential Candidate Spike Cohen and Twitch’s “Chief Neoliberal Shill” Bastiat can do it, or if their differences are truly irreconcilable.

Join us for an exclusive LibertyCon 2022 sneak peek with Spike Cohen and Bastiat on July 29, 2022 at 2 PM EST. Watch live on Learn Liberty's YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, and Students For Liberty's YouTube, Twitch, Facebook and Twitter.

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